about tamara
Tamara finished her studies at the Toneelacademie Maastricht in 1990. Since then, she has been working as stage director, teacher, trainer and actor. In her work she most of all takes interest in authenticity, just by gaining technical skills and in-depth artisticity.
While making theatre, nine out of ten times Tamara combines ‘stilized authenticity’ with music. This counts for preparations, interviewing the performers, writing scripts, rehearsals and the endresult.
In her teaching practice Tamara creates a very clear framework, but tends to disorganize within to offer freedom of thought and action. Dramatic presence, authenticity, courage, physical awareness and visible ‘urgency’ are being trained intensively.
Tamara about working with singers and musicians: “In my eyes, when musicians or singers come to me they expect me to sort of ADD something theatrical or even ‘showy’ on the actual piece of music. But I just can’t see these things as different vehicels. Acting, performing, presenting and making music use the exact same source. The performer him/her self. Even from a technical point of view there’s more equivalancy than most people expect there to be.”